Amin Ayoub Samkough (1903-1952), A profound and dedicated Circassian who was born in Syria. He studied at Sorbonne University where he met with Aytek Namitok and attended his lectures. After his graduation he built an Adigabze speaking school called "Adigha Mektep" in Quneitra, Syria. In this school, general education subjects, Khabze, martial arts, and trade were taught in Adigabze language. He was one of the most important figures of Circassian Syrian's of his time. He believed in preserving and developing the Circassian culture. He was elected as the first city mayor of 20,000 living in Quneitra, Syria in 1946. Mr. Samkough died in 1952.
It is an honor for us to name our training program as Amin Samkough Academy in order to keep his name alive and to remember his inspiring efforts.